What The Hell (Salzburg)
What The Hell is a series of performative interventions that takes place in announced and unannounced locations in public spaces. The performers interact with absurd actions and irrational gestures as a disruption in the seemingly safe zones of our territories. What The Hell provokes the boundaries of the norm and the common sense in the public sphare and conciousness.The Salzburg version was developed for the Sommerszene Festival with students of The Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance. A series of several actiones were spread over various spots in the city.
"Rolling into the Unknow"
"The Spectacle of the Society"
"Axcuse Me (Das ist der Hammer)"
Concept and artistic direction: Michikazu Matsune
Performance: Students of the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance
Coproduction: Szene Salzburg & APAP advancing performing arts project
Photo: Bernhard Müller, Michikazu Matsune